08.03.04 - 1:55 p.m.


i should be writing about the tremendously exciting, energizing, wonderful time i had at a party on saturday night. while my buddynick claims that i set the party on fire, i swear i didn't do more than bring along 5 music mixes - cds i burned for myself to work out to. all i had to do was show up at 10:30PM , coyly ask if i could slip one of my CDs into the player and just start dancing in the middle of the floor. of course nd joined me, and by 11PM - i swear to gaw-dd EVERYONE was dancing - a scene straight outta house party!

in fact, i worked such a sweat up from dancing nonstop (okay maybe two breaks to chat and read some bitchmagazine - savvygrrlsmag with other guest) - but by 2AM my tanktop was SO soaked with my own sweat that i just took it off -- you read right, i took off my tanktop (and i'm not a slut, i had a cute lacy bra underneath) and danced in just that for the last hour. i made a big show of wringing the sweat outta my shirt to prove that i wasn't purely being an exhibitionist....

as i said, i should be yakking about all that, but instead i'm in a fowl mood from fighting back the plague of a computer worm that creeped into my desktop and destroyed my anti-virus software - so - yes, genius - i got about 9 viruses to combat - i swear i ran and re-ran the virusscanner maybe 8x total in two days.

pissed pissed what a waste of time and energy. i didn't lose anyfiles, i'm just so pissed that anyone with the talent to invent such a beasty monster as an anonymous virulent vampiric worm could use their talents for so much more (i think) to build up not destroy other people's work, much less morale.

i'm in the library again - after a few days hiatus - my new roommate moved in and already i'm really excited about her -

i'm broke as an awful joke and inwardly trembling about what to do with all that.

(should hit A.R.S. up for the $10 she owes me from last year but - hah! - i know she'll claim to have forgotten) -

whatever - i'm in the library - and to make matters bittersweet i'm staring at a $40 original sepia toned picture of the west village - about w.9th str/avenue of the americas - it was just so gorgeous and reminded me so very much of the 10000s of times i took the west 4th/8th street station home and back to work... i didn't have the money but i purchased it -

so now, i'm gonna stare at it hanging on my wall, in my library carrell, rather than mourn my empty pockets and beat myself over the head for getting into this "in the red" bullshit hole AGAIN and again and again -

i have not paid my rent

i have not paid for the sublet i'm moving into

i have not paid for the new computer chip my car needs

i have not paid the mechanic for letting me store the car at his place til i fix it -

what HAVE i done, though?

good thing the brick on the library walls are covered up in an awful eggshell white paint.




press on
the hub

blogging on up - 10.09.05
think not, hurt not. - 05.21.05
send it off, hug a book, stream a showtune - 05.03.05
"leave me alone" - 04.20.05
religiosity - 04.08.05

archived 2005
archived 2004
archived 2003
archived 2002