10.12.02 - 2:22 p.m.

make a wish - at 2:22 PM - no luckier time to write. i wish mostly that i take good care of myself for the next 72 hours.

i just rented 6 movies!!! that should keep me out of trouble - a beautiful mind, among them, which theRAPist assigned as homework.

what would i like to see happen today?

i would like to walk upstairs into my favorite room and read an article cover to cover. and then i would like to work on my own writing rather than numb my thoughts by getting drunk on the beautiful writing of others.

i so often push people away saying that i need to control my space, leave me alone....

but then they do, and i'm completely out of control.

today will be different. i'm curious to find out how a saturday break might look with me here supporting myself, i'm plenty to lean on.

MUSIC: hesitant

READING: clicking keyboards


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the hub

blogging on up - 10.09.05
think not, hurt not. - 05.21.05
send it off, hug a book, stream a showtune - 05.03.05
"leave me alone" - 04.20.05
religiosity - 04.08.05

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